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김원종 교수

김원종 교수

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  • 을지 대학교 간호대학 간호학 박사 2019.
    을지 대학교 간호대학 간호학 석사 2015.
    을지 대학교 간호대학 간호학과 학사 2011.
  • 주요 경력

  • 現) 을지대학교(의정부) 간호학과 조교수
    現) 대한남자간호학교수협의회 재무이사
    現) 대한남자간호사회 학술이사
    現) 대한 심폐소생협회 강사 (BLS instructor)
    前) 김천대학교 간호학과 조교수
    前) 대한간호협회 보수교육 강사
    前) 대전과학기술대 성인간호학 시간강사
  • 저서

  • 성인간호학 ⅠⅡ, 수문사
    성인간호학 ⅠⅡ, 현문사
    성인간호학 ⅠⅡ, 퍼시픽
    노인간호학, 정담미디어 : 학지사
    (한눈에 보는) 인체해부학, 정담미디어 : 학지사
    Nightingale : handbook Fornurse(포널스출판사)
  • 논문

  • [2022년도]
    - Effect of resistance exercise on stress, lower extremity edema, and body composition in intensive care unit nurses. Medicine. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
    - Effects of Resistance Exercise Program on Pain, Stress, Range of Motion, and Body Composition of Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE. InnoVision Professional Media.
    - Latent Class Analysis of Health Behavior Changes Due to COVID-19 among Middle-Aged Korean Workers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.
    - The Influence of Nursing Students' Social Support and Personality on Nursing Professional Intuition. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    - Effects of Learning Satisfaction and Academic Self-efficacy on Academic Achievement of Nursing Students who have Experienced Contactless Classes in the COVID-19 Situation. Korea Edutainment Society Journal of the Edutainment.
    - 간호대학생의 임상실습스트레스 및 사회적 지지가 전공만족도에 미치는 영향. 학습자중심교과교육학회

    - Effects of the Healing Beats Program among University Students after Exposure to a Source of Psychological Stress: A Randomized Control Trial. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH.
    - Effects of Elastic Band Resistance Exercise on Depression, Stress, and Autonomic Balance when Applied to the Elderly for 12 Weeks: Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education.
    - The Effect of Application of Resistance Exercise Program on Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Muscle Mass and Fat Mass in Adults Complaining of Shoulder Pain. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    - The Effects of Resilience and Personality Types on Major Satisfaction of Nursing Students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.

    - Effect of Resistance Exercise Program for Middle-Aged Women with Myofascial Pain Syndrome on Shoulder Pain, Angle of Shoulder Range of Motion, and Body Composition Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT. JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING.
    - The relationship between learning motivation, learning commitment and academic achievement of nursing students who gave non-face-to-face online lectures. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    - 간호대학생의 학습동기, 학습몰입이 대학생활 적응에 미치는 영향. 경북간호과학지.
    - 간호대학생의 자기주도적 학습능력과 학업적 자기효능감이 비판적 사고성향에 미치는 영향. 학습자중심교과교육연구.
    - Correlation of Self-Efficacy, Stress Coping and Adjustment to College Life Nursing Students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    - Effects of Internal Oriented Policy, Social Support, and Job Embeddedness by Turnover Intention of Nurses. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    - Development and Validation of the Emotional Stress Inventory. 한국심리학회지: 건강.

    - Relationship between Gender stereotype, Major satisfaction and Self-leadership in male Nursing Students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial, 2019.
    - The Effects of Ginseng Extracts on Perceived Stress, Blood Pressure, Bispectral index and Pulse Oxygen Saturation in Normotensive healthy adult after exposure to white noise stressor. Canada. Food Science 2016.
    - The Inhalation Effects of Aroma Essential Oil on Quality of Sleep after Working Nights of Shift Nurses. 한국간호과학회지. 2016.
  • 연구비수혜

  • [의정부시 재정지원 사업]
    The influence of blood pressure, blood sugar and subjective obesity awareness on weight control attempt among obese adults in Gyeonggi-do Uijeongbu-si providence

    근막동통증후군(Myofascial Pain Syndrome, MPS)을 호소하는 대상자에게 탄력밴드를 이용한 저항운동 프로그램이 통증, 우울, 관절각도, 견갑골 주위 근육 균형 및 질량에 미치는 효과(Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT)
  • 수상 및 논문 발표

  • [2022년도]
    [수상] The Relationship between Major Satisfaction, Self-Leadership, and Career Preparation Behavior of Nursing Students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    [연구발표] 간호대학생의 성격 유형, 간호전문직관이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향. 한국산학기술학회 추계학술대회.
    [연구발표] 간호대학생의 코로나(COVID-19) Red, 회복탄력성 및 인성의 관계. 한국산학기술학회 추계학술대회.

    [수상] The effect of professor's sense of humor and university image perceived by nursing students on major satisfaction. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.

    [수상] The Effect of Resistance Exercise Program Applied to Adults Complaining of Shoulder Pain on Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Muscle and Fat Mass. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.
    [연구발표] 견관절통증을 호소하는 성인에게 적용한 저항운동프로그램이 어깨통증, 견관절 근육량및지방량에미치는효과. 한국산학기술학회 추계학술대회.

    [우수 논문상] The Effect of Resistance Exercise Program Applied to Adults Complaining of Shoulder Pain on Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Muscle and Fat Mass. 한국산학기술학회.
    Best Poster Presentation Award. International Nursing Conference. 2015.
  • 자격 및 면허

  • 심리상담사 2017.
    現) 대한 심폐소생협회 강사 (BLS instructor)
    간호사 2011.
  • 리스트