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손해경 교수

손해경 교수

전공 :
모성간호학, 여성건강간호학 
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연구실 :
박애관 219 
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  • CHA University (B.S. (Nursing))
    CHA University (M.S. (Nursing))
    Yonsei University, Seoul (Ph.D. (Nursing))
  • 주요경력

  • 現 을지대학교 간호대학 교수
    現 Sigma Theta Tau International, 한국간호과학회, 한국여성건강간호학회 등 회원
    現 한국여성건강간호학회, 한국모자보건학회 등 교육, 학술위원
    現 한국간호과학회, 한국의료시뮬레이션학회, 한국디지털정책학회, 한국사물인터넷학회 등 편집위원
    現 Journal of Advanced Nursing, 한국간호과학회, 한국여성건강간호학회, 한국의료시뮬레이션학회, 한국디지털정책학회, 한국산학기술학회 등 논문심사위원
    前 성신여자대학교 간호대학 교수
    前 서울아산병원 간호사
    前 연세대학교 간호대학 부설 김모임간호학연구소 연구원
    前 가천대, 강원대, 서울여자간호대, 성신여대, 차의과학대학교 간호학과 시간강사
    前 성신여자대학교 건강과학연구소 연구원
    前 차의과학대학교 간호대학 교육조교
    前 Society of Pediatric Nurses, 한국보건간호학회 회원
  • 연구실적

  • ⦁ The effects of the neurofeedback training on the general health status, mental health and problem behavior, and brain function quotient among high school students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2013;14(12):6309-6316.
    ⦁ The effect of a Web-Based Education Program (WBEP) on disease severity, quality of life and mothers’ self-efficacy in children with atopic dermatitis. J Adv Nurs. 2014;70(10):2326-2338.
    ⦁ Factors affecting mental health and behavioral problems in high school students: based on a Social Cognitive Career Theory. Child Health Nurs Res. 2014;20(4):314-321.
    ⦁ The effect of self-esteem on resilience and the mediating effect of school satisfaction: a first year female students in high school. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2015;16(4):2684-2690.
    ⦁ Reliability and validity of the Korean-Parental Self-Efficacy Eczema Care Index. Glob J Health Sci. 2016;8(10):57-64.
    ⦁ Factors associated with disease specific self-efficacy of mothers of children with atopic dermatitis. Korean Parent Child Health J. 2016;19(1):9-16.
    ⦁ A comparative study of family management style according to severity of childhood atopic dermatitis. Child Health Nurs Res. 2016;22(4):309-316.
    ⦁ Effect of SBAR education program based on simulation practice on report clarity and confidence in nursing students. Korean J Health Commun. 2016;11(2):145-153.
    ⦁ The relationships between self-directed learning competency and clinical competency among nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2017;17(4):329-342.
    ⦁ A study on gender differences in influencing factors of mental health and problem behavior quantiles in high school students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2017;17(10):563-580.
    ⦁ A study on influencing factors of sexual experience among korean middle school students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2017;17(13):611-630.
    ⦁ Effects of health promoting lifestyle and happiness on burnout in child care teacher. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2017;17(18):291-308.
    ⦁ Effects of the mother-medical staff partnership on mothers’ condition management ability for children with chronic allergic diseases. Child Health Nurs Res. 2018;24(1):101-108.
    ⦁ Family management of childhood atopic dermatitis. J Adv Nurs. 2018;74:1371-1379.
    ⦁ Communication of students in nursing simulation using standard patient. Journal of Digital Convergence. 2018;16(5):267-276.
    ⦁ Development of a problem-based learning module for preschoolers’ growth and development. Journal of the Korea Contents Association. 2018;18(11):393-405.
    ⦁ A phenomenological study on the experiences of nursing students’ communication in clinical nursing practicum. Korean J Health Commun. 2018;13(2):195-204.
    ⦁ Effects of depression, perceived stress, life expectation and life satisfaction on quality of life among nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2019;19(1):317-332.
    ⦁ Effects of multidimensional empathy on burnout among nursing teachers in private nursery school. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2019;19(7);185-200
    ⦁ Effects of ego-identity and school life adjustment on brain quotient : a first year female high school students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2019;19(11):651-664.
    ⦁ Effect of SEGUE-based Communication Education on Nursing Simulation Practice: A quasi-experimental design. Contemp Nurse, 2019;55(4-5):330-340.
    ⦁ Effects of aromatherapy combined with music therapy on anxiety, stress, and fundamental nursing skills in nursing students : a randomized controlled trial. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019:16(21):E4185.
    ⦁ A study on analysis of mental fitness, perspective taking, attitude toward the elderly, and quantitative encephalogram among caregivers. Korean J Occup Health Nurs. 2020;29(1):88-96.
    ⦁ The effect of integrated nursing using cognicise and neurofeedback. Korean J Occup Health Nurs. 2020;29(2):114-122.
    ⦁ Hair cortisol concentrations as a biological marker of maternal prenatal stress: a systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(11):4002.
    ⦁ An identification study on competency of managing and reading others and brain function according to grade of nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2020;20(11):25-38.
    ⦁ A study on humanities learning needs for healing of adult learners : focused on multidimensional empathy and quantitative electroencephalography. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2020;20(20):329-343.
    ⦁ Effects of S-PBL in maternity nursing clinical praticum on learning attitude, metacognition, and critical thinking in nursing students: a quasi- experimental design. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17:7866.
    ⦁ A concept analysis of learning transfer in nursing using the hybrid model. Korean J Occup Health Nurs. 2020;29(4):354-362.
    ⦁ Correlates of the mental fitness of female high school freshman: focus on multidimensional empathy and brain function. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17:8290.
    ⦁ Comparison of learning transfer using simulation problem-based learning and demonstration: an application of papanicolau smear nursing education. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:1765.
    ⦁ Factors affecting suicidal ideation among premenopausal and postmenopausal women. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2021;28(3):356-369.
    ⦁ Effects of cognicise-neurofeedback on health locus of control, depression, and quantitative electroencephalography alpha asymmetry in elderly women. Brain Sci. 2021;11:899-910.
    ⦁ Effects of circadian rhythm, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality, stress resistance on eating attitudes in nursing students. J Korean Soc Sch Health. 2021;34(2):107-114.
    ⦁ Correlation analysis for COVID-19 stress, QEEG stress quotient, and coping style of face-to-face service industry employees. Korean J Occup Health Nurs. 2021;30(3):101-109.
    ⦁ The effect of physical and psychological stress quotient on emotion quotient in introvert-extrovert preschooler. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2021;22(8):208-215.
    ⦁ The effects of simulation problem-based learning on the empathy, attitudes toward caring for the elderly, and team efficacy of undergraduate health profession students. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:9658.
    ⦁ The Comparative study on nursing clinical practice and simulation with problem-based learning for nursing students. J Healthc Simul. 2021;5(2):33-39.
    ⦁ The effects of positive psychological capital and stress coping response on COVID-19 stress of nursing students in young adults. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2021;22(12):582-591.
    ⦁ Effects of Korean Hand Therapy combined with Aroma-Necklace on Musculoskeletal Pain, Stress and Grip Strength in Elderly. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2022;23(4):259-267.
    ⦁ Effects of simulation problem-based learning based on Peplau's Interpersonal Relationship Model for cesarean section maternity nursing on communication skills, communication attitudes and team efficacy. Nurse Educ. Today. 2022;113(2022):105373.
    ⦁ Effects of online simulation using problem-based learning on clinical judgement, nursing performance confidence and learning satisfaction of nursing students. J Healthc Simul. 2022;6(1):8-14.
    ⦁ A study on the influence of future journaling on metacognition, mental fitness and quantitative electroencephalogram in elementary and middle school students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2022: 23(9); 226-237.
    ⦁ Effects of team-based debriefing in simulation on clinical judgement, critical thinking and learning satisfaction of health profession students. Korean Journal of Safety Culture. 2022:19;143-154.
    ⦁ Effects of dementia prevention program using neurofeedback on fear of dementia, depression, cognitive function and QEEG in community dwelling elderly. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2022;23(11):196-204.
    ⦁ Development of a scenario for simulation-based education of care for patients with postpartum hemorrhage based on Orlando’s nursing process theory. J Healthc Simul. 2022;6(2):64-72.
    ⦁ The comparison of sexual knowledge, HPV knowledge and HPV vaccine acceptance between health and non-health related male undergraduate students. Global Creative Leader: Education. 2022:12(4):103-121.
    ⦁ An analysis of menstrual symptoms, menstrual attitudes, and quantitative electroencephalography findings. Iran J Public Health. 2023:52(6):1161-1169.
    ⦁ Effects of electronic fetal monitoring simulation with problem-based learning on nursing students' performance confidence, clinical judgment, and knowledge. Jpn J Nurs Sci. 2023;20(4):e12539.
    ⦁ Evaluation of a virtual reality simulation to improve problem-based learning for neurologic examination in nursing students. Iran J Public Health. 2023;52(10):2128-2137.
    ⦁ The effect of sleep and cognition enhancement multimodal intervention for mild cognitive impairment with sleep disturbance in the community-dwelling elderly. Int. J Ment Health Promot. 2023;25(11):1197-1208.
    ⦁ Effects of simulation with problem-based learning (S-PBL) on nursing students’ clinical reasoning ability: based on Tanner’s Clinical Judgment Model. BMC Med Educ. 2023;23:601.
    ⦁ Effects of field practice-based interprofessional education (FP-IPE) on professional self-concept, self-efficacy for group work, and communication competence of nursing and dental hygiene students. J Healthc Simul. 2023;7(2):.59-67.
  • 저역서

  • ⦁ 여성건강간호학. 수문사. 2020.
    ⦁ 기본간호학(Fundamentals of Nursing). 메디컬사이언스. 2022.
    ⦁ 간호연구 및 통계(Nursing Research and Statistics). 수문사. 2022.
  • 수상실적

  • ⦁ 우수논문계획서 우수상. 한국아동간호학회(2011.06)
    ⦁ 우수연구계획서 우수상. 한국아동간호학회(2015.06)
    ⦁ 대상 학술상. 한국여성건강간호학회(2020.08)
  • 기타

  • ⦁ 한국연구재단 이공분야기초연구사업 생애 첫 연구 선정(2020.3.1.-2023.2.28.)
    ⦁ 교원자격(보건교사2급), 유아마사지1급
    ⦁ 대한조산협회 주관 임산부 약물 상담 전문가 과정 수료(2022)
    ⦁ 한국여성건강간호학회 주관 교수 산과임상연수(2022)
    ⦁ 한국모자보건학회 주관 간호교육임상연수_고위험임산부간호역량심화교육(2023)
  • 리스트